Gehrlicher Solar Connects 35MW Perleberg Solar Park to Grid

公開日 2012/08/31
Gehrlicher Solar  Yingli Green Energy  SMA 

Gehrlicher Solar AG successfully completed its Perleberg solar park in record time after just two and a half months of construction. Technical commissioning of the solar park was completed on time on June 30. The solar power system with 35MWp nominal capacity is located halfway between Hamburg and Berlin. It is expected to produce about 33 million kilowatt hours of environmentally friendly solar power annually, an amount sufficient to cover the needs of around 9,300 three-person households. Due to the solar park's high capacity, the company also built a separate expandable 110kV transformer station, which served to connect the solar park to the grid on August 23 and has been providing full power input reliably ever since. Compared to electricity generated from fossil fuels, starting immediately, the plant will save approximately 32,000 tons of CO2 annually.

"We are especially grateful to the policy makers at the City of Perleberg and District of Prignitz as well as the authorities in charge, such as the Perleberg building authority. In addition, we would also like to thank the two former property owners, the Brandenburg Land Association for Land Use and Management (Brandenburgische Boden Gesellschaft für Grundstücksverwaltung und -verwertung mbH (BBG)) and the Federal Agency for Real Estate Management (Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BImA)), as well as the Aero-Club Perleberg e.V. for their excellent cooperation at all times", so Klaus Gehrlicher, CEO of Gehrlicher Solar AG.

The solar park was built on the grounds of the former military airport Perleberg and comprises 90 hectares, an overall area corresponding to the size of approx. 125 soccer fields. After the complex undertaking of munitions removal, all told, 144,144 modules manufactured by Yingli, 39 inverters by SMA and about 500 km of cable were used in this project. At times the site employed up to 120 installers. The GehrTec® Base substructure developed in-house, for which approx. 25,000 posts were rammed into the ground serves as the basis for the crystalline modules. The remaining 26 hectares are designated compensation areas and serve as a habitat for many meadow breeding birds.

The solar park's official dedication is planned for mid-October with numerous city and district politicians in attendance.



Gehrlicher Solar (ソーラーコンポーネント):
SMA (ソーラーコンポーネント):
Gehrlicher Solar (ソーラー施工):
Gehrlicher Solar (販売会社):
Yingli Green Energy (ソーラー素材):
Yingli Green Energy (ソーラーパネル):
SMA (ソフトウェア):
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