Grupo Clavijo完成建设波多黎各两座合计57.65兆瓦光伏项目

公開日 2016/11/29
Nclave  Sonnedix 
Grupo Clavijo has supplied all of the fixed structures for the Oriana I and Oriana II projects, with capacities of 28.62 and 29.03MW respectively, in the municipality of Isabela, Puerto Rico, which are owned by Sonnedix and were each completed within five months. 

The dual-column structures used were installed with a tilt angle of up to 20˚ in certain areas and robustly designed in accordance with the local conditions, being based near the sea. Their design means that they can be seamlessly adapted to the terrain and are quick and easy to assemble.


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Nclave (ソーラー施工):
Sonnedix (ソーラー施工):
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