Enel Green Power完成建设智利79兆瓦光伏电站

公開日 2016/04/11
Enel Green Power 
Enel, through its subsidiary Enel Green Power Chile Ltda. has completed and connected to the grid the Pampa Norte PV solar plant, which is located 32 kilometres southwest of Taltal in Chile's Antofagasta Region.

The new solar plant has an installed capacity of 79MW and is able to generate more than 200GWh per year – equivalent to the power consumption needs of around 100,000 Chilean households – while avoiding the annual emission of over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Enel invested around 150 million US dollars in the construction of the new plant, which is supported by a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA). The energy generated by Pampa Norte, which comes from approximately 258,000 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules installed over an area of around 290 hectares, will be delivered to Chile's Central Region Interconnected System (SIC – Sistema Interconectado Central).


Enel Green Power (ソーラー施工): https://jp.enfsolar.com/enel-green-power
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