

Changzhou Hershey-Power New Energy Co., Ltd.
セルタイプ: 単結晶
出力領域: 6.03~6.31 Wp
地域: 中国 中国
注意:お問い合わせはChangzhou Hershey-Power New Energy Co., Ltd..に直接に送信されます。


6.03W 6.06W 6.09W 6.11W 6.14W 6.17W 6.2W 6.22W 6.25W 6.28W 6.31W
結晶種類 単結晶
外形寸法 166×166 mm
対角線 223±0.25 mm
電池厚み 180 ± 20 µm
表面 (-)  
母線数 9
バスバー幅 0.1±0.05 mm
反射防止膜 窒化シリコン
裏面 (+)  
はんだパッドの番号 9
ソルダリングパッドの幅 1.66 mm
裏面電界 (BSF) アルミ
最大出力 (Pmax)
6.03 W 6.06 W 6.09 W 6.11 W 6.14 W 6.17 W 6.2 W 6.22 W 6.25 W 6.28 W 6.31 W
公称最大出力動作電圧 (Vmpp)
0.575 V 0.577 V 0.579 V 0.581 V 0.583 V 0.585 V 0.587 V 0.589 V 0.591 V 0.593 V 0.595 V
公称最大出力動作電流 (Impp)
10.489 A 10.5 A 10.511 A 10.522 A 10.533 A 10.544 A 10.555 A 10.566 A 10.576 A 10.587 A 10.597 A
公称開放電圧 (Voc)
0.676 V 0.677 V 0.678 V 0.679 V 0.68 V 0.681 V 0.682 V 0.683 V 0.684 V 0.685 V 0.686 V
公称短絡電流 (Isc)
11.099 A 11.121 A 11.143 A 11.164 A 11.186 A 11.208 A 11.23 A 11.251 A 11.273 A 11.295 A 11.317 A
22 % 22.1 % 22.2 % 22.3 % 22.4 % 22.5 % 22.6 % 22.7 % 22.8 % 22.9 % 23 %
曲線因子 (FF)
80.39 % 80.47 % 80.56 % 80.65 % 80.73 % 80.82 % 80.9 % 80.98 % 81.06 % 81.14 % 81.22 %
温度係数(Pmax) 0.048 %/˚C
温度係数(Voc) -0.31 %/˚C
温度係数(Isc) -0.38 %/˚C

Changzhou Hershey-Power New Energy Co., Ltd.

Click to show company phone
No. 69, Huiling West Road, Zouqu, Wujin District, Changzhou, Jiangsu
スタッフナンバ―: 300
注意:お問い合わせはChangzhou Hershey-Power New Energy Co., Ltd..に直接に送信されます。

Hershey Power was established in 2006, with 200 million yuan in fixed assets, more than 450 employees and a construction area of 18,000 square meters. Its main business is the production and sales of crystalline silicon, solar cells and battery modules, and photovoltaic power generation. It has a complete photovoltaic industry chain and is one of the few photovoltaic companies in China to achieve vertical integration.

The company pays attention to the introduction of talents. It has established a good relationship of production, learning and research with a number of universities and uses the advantages of universities to add imputes to the innovation of enterprises.



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